Friday, November 9, 2012

workshops! shows!

WE HAVE A SHOW TOMORROW! There's so much to do but we still can't wait. This is going to be the longest and most diverse Spiderweb yet! AHHH!

I can't believe it's only been a week since we had our second workshop, which was a success! Over the course of the afternoon and evening, we had a great crew of different artists and writers. Some of us got more work done than others, but the air was continuously full of inspiring and thought-provoking conversation. We had a little bit of reflective collaboration and someone even got help on a homework assignment for school. New friends were made. Walker rehearsed to the group a charming parable he wrote about DJ CouchParty, the DJ who would never get better because his friends wouldn't tell him what he could do differently that would make them get off the couch and dance. The weather was incredible and the night ended in a joyfully off-task sing-along session accompanied by guitars and banjo.

The only real bummer was that the zine had to be canceled this month since there just wasn't enough material to include or enough time to complete it. I think everyone is too busy playing catch-up and sharpening their skills for the show! Next time, we'll start much earlier to get the zine done by the show. We plan to continue to host the open Spiderweb Workshop + Arts & Crafts in the future, hopefully once a month. {We, bees} feel that it is necessary for artists to have the important resource of community and opportunity to collaborate or share projects with each other on a smaller scale, as well as a venue to share their more polished undertakings and ideas. We hope more people will continue to take advantage of the time, creative space, and warm atmosphere we're providing at our workshops!

Besides hosting a show, we've made this month is a wild one for creativity. {We, bees) have undertaken some strenuous personal projects for November: bluebear set out to compose an entire album and I am writing a novel. Both of us look forward to showcasing portions of our efforts at the show tomorrow night. It is nerve-racking but exciting. We appreciate all the support the Salon inspires and look forward to enjoying all the other fantastic performances in store as well!

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